Medical Aid for Families

Family Medical Aid is an important financial investment to consider for new and potential parents. This type of policy covers a family financially for day-to-day and in-hospital health-related expenses. The bulk of the premium is applied to the main member while smaller amounts are added for each dependant such as a spouse and children.

Questions to ask your potential Medical Aid scheme

  • What are the benefits for the main member?
  • Are the benefits the same for both the main member and their dependants?
  • Will costs increase for the main member if they’re planning on extending their family?
  • Will costs increase when the child dependants reach a specific age?
  • How much day-to-day cover will the family receive annually?

These questions are vital to ask before choosing a family Medical Aid plan so that you can budget for the day-to-day expenses for the year ahead. And, if you are planning on starting a family soon, these questions will help you figure out whether prenatal and postnatal care, the birth, paediatric consultations, and vaccinations are covered, and what the procedure is for registering your newborn on your plan. Compare medical aid quotes online with to find the best plan for you and your family.