KGA Life is a specialist funeral insurance company. We pay valid claims in 6 hours or less! We are the #KingOfFuneral!
KGA Life has been providing funeral insurance products and services since 1986!
That’s right! What’s more, we were the first company in South Africa to establish a group funeral scheme! And ever since, we have been delighting our customers with industry leading quick claims settlement because we understand how important it is to be there for our customer in their time of most need.
Today, KGA Life is at the forefront of technology to bring innovation and new thinking to the funeral insurance industry.
KGA Life offers funeral cover for individuals and groups. Our funeral plans are designed for individuals and families who need a basic and affordable funeral policy providing cover of up to R100 000. You can cover yourself, your spouse and up to 7 children on any one of our funeral plans.
Additionally, our very popular cash-back plans pay R 1000 cash back to our policyholders each year.
What's more, we have a range of additional, add-on benefits that can be added to your funeral plan based on your unique needs. The KGA Airtime Benefit automatically loads airtime onto a beneficiary's cellphone when a loved one passes away, easing the burden of making the necessary arrangements.
At KGA Life, all valid claims are paid within 6 business hours!
What's more, all of our funeral plans come standard with KGA Assist, which is a package of additional living benefits including 24/7 telephonic legal advice, medical advice and access to private ambulance when suffering from a life-threatening condition. KGA Assist will also make sure that the deceased's body is transported to the nominated funeral home.
2017 APEX Silver Award - KGA Life 30 Year Promotion