A Lesson from the Tail of a Spitfire

A vintage photo of a WAAF mechanic working on a Spitfire, a testament to the courage and sacrifices made during World War II, and the importance of life insurance

"Credit. 1944. RAAF No. 21 Operational Base Unit, Rockhampton Airport. 'Spitfires'.." by Love in a little black diary is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .


Let’s talk about Life Insurance. Wait, don’t go - this isn’t going to be one of those heavy, doom-and-gloom lectures. Instead, let’s take a little journey back to 1945, where we meet Margaret Horton, a WAAF flight mechanic who had a rather unusual day at work. Picture this: one minute you’re doing your job, and the next, you’re hanging on for dear life on the tail of a Spitfire hurtling through the skies.


You know, just another day in the office.



Margaret’s Wild Ride

Margaret was stationed at Hibaldstowe during World War II, working as a mechanic for the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF). Her task that fateful day was pretty straightforward: hop onto the tail of a Spitfire while it taxied to the runway in rough weather. Now, that probably sounds like a strange request to those of us who don’t spend a lot of time around WWII aircraft, but for WAAF mechanics like Margaret, this was as everyday an occurrence as your Monday morning standup meeting.

 An old photo of a war plane: WAAF mechanic Margaret Horton's daring escape highlights the importance of life insurance.

"Spitfire" by Dave Hamster is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .


You see, due to their small wheels, Spitfires were notorious for tipping onto their noses in windy conditions. Having someone sit on the tail of the aircraft as it drove from the hangar towards the runway was enough to balance it out and solve the problem. As the aircraft turned onto the runway, the “balance” on the back would hop off and the aircraft would be cleared for take-off.

 Photo of a Supermarine Spitfire, a symbol of courage and the importance of life insurance during wartime.

"Spitfire on Lytham Green" by Andy Hay is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .


Easy, right? Well, things took a different turn on that fateful day, as the pilot of the plane that Margaret was sitting on didn’t realise she was there. Before she could disembark, he promptly took off, leaving her clinging on for dear life as he hurtled down the runway.


In no time at all, the plane was airborne. With nothing but her fingertips holding her to the tail of the plane, Margaret faced the very real possibility of becoming the world's first human parasail. Fortunately, a fellow WAAF officer had seen what happened and raced to inform the flight control officer. Fearing that the pilot would panic if told exactly what the nature of the problem was, the flight office radioed with a simple message to return to base immediately.


Despite the odds (and probably with a lot of internal screaming) Margaret managed to cling on until the pilot landed - completely unaware until the very last minute that he had an uninvited guest hanging on to his tail.



Life Comes at You Fast

Now, you might be thinking, "Wow, that’s one way to start your day!" And you’d be right. Margaret’s unexpected flight is a prime example of how life can take some pretty wild turns when you least expect it to. One minute, you’re doing your job; the next, you’re clinging to the back of a fighter plane, wondering who’s going to feed your cat when you’re gone.


It’s a funny story, sure, but it also highlights a very important point: life is unpredictable. And while you might not find yourself hanging off the tail of a Spitfire tomorrow, there are plenty of other surprises life can throw your way. Remember how we were going to talk about life insurance at the beginning of this article? Now’s the moment to do just that.



The “Spitfire Factor” in Life Insurance

Think of Life Insurance as your safety harness for those unexpected moments. Just like Margaret didn’t plan to take an impromptu flight that day, you can’t always predict when life might throw you a curveball. Whether it’s a sudden illness, an accident, or anything else that might knock you off course, having life insurance means you’re prepared.


You don’t want your family to be left hanging (pun intended) if something were to happen to you. Life Insurance ensures they’re financially supported, so they can focus on achieving their goals and chasing their dreams.



Don’t Wait for a Close Call

Margaret Horton survived her wild ride with a great story to tell and a new respect for aircraft safety protocols. But not everyone gets such a lucky break. That’s why it’s so important to think ahead and prepare for the unexpected.


So, why not take a moment today to consider Life Insurance? It’s not about expecting the worst - it’s about being smart and making sure you’re covered, no matter what surprises come your way.


And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll have your own “near escape” story to tell - just make sure you’re insured first!

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