Car Insurance Day: a Day to Celebrate

White Hyundai car with the onset in the horizon and father and son holding hands.


Yes, you read that right, Car Insurance Day is an actual thing. It may sound like an oddly specific day, but it would be worth your while to observe it on 1 February – here’s why.


Your car is one of the most important items you can insure, so it’s a good idea to regularly check that you’re covered correctly. That’s what Car Insurance Day is for. Think about it – when last did you read through your policy to make sure it was up to date? If, say, your child has just started learning to drive, you’d likely need to tell your insurer to update the regular drivers on your policy; if you don’t, an accident claim could be rejected.


So, why do we need a designated day for updating our car insurance? Well, firstly, it's admin, which most of us will avoid for as long as possible, and secondly, our lives are getting busier, so we could all use a reminder to get our policies in order.


How to Observe Car Insurance Day


It’s as simple as pouring yourself a cup of tea or coffee and settling down in a quiet, comfy place with your policy for an hour or so. That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? While you’re at it, set a reminder on your phone or computer to observe Car Insurance Day next year too.


Man checking the oil with car hood open


What to Check


In addition to your policy documents, there are a few other motor-related items you may want to check up on at the same time, such as:


  • Whether your vehicle and driver’s licences are up to date.

  • Any outstanding traffic fines against your name.

  • Ensuring your vehicle’s service record is up to date.

  • Finding out when your car’s maintenance plan and manufacturer’s warranty expire, if applicable.


Pen sitting next to tick box with “I agree” written next to it.


Do People Really Check Their Documentation?


A lot of people probably don’t check their insurance information as often as they should. Some claims are rejected because the insured person didn’t adhere to the terms and conditions in their policies, or they didn’t realise an additional excess would apply following a claim (e.g., if someone under the age of 25 was driving the insured car at the time of an accident).


If Car Insurance Day suddenly sounds like a great idea to you, you can quickly and easily compare car insurance quotes from a number of different insurers in just a few minutes with; the best part about observing Car Insurance Day could be saving money on your premiums!


Prices quoted are correct at the time of publishing this article. The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or medical advice.

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