Loan Repayment

Need to take out a business or personal loan? Plan to succeed by knowing exactly what your repayments will look like.

Find out how long it would take to repay a loan, what your monthly repayments would be, and how much you’d pay overall.

Home Loan: Bond Reg & Transfer Fee’s

Buying a house is a big decision and the administrative costs that go along with that sure can add up.

Before putting in an offer on your dream home, find out if you can afford the bond registration and transfer fees with our handy calculator.

Home Loan: Affordability

Whether you’ve already found the perfect home or are still looking, find out how much you can afford to pay.

Our home loan affordability calculator will take your income, expenses, interest rate, and repayment term into account and tell you what bond you can comfortably afford.

Looking for Home Contents Cover?

Whether you are renting or own your home ensuring your home contents are covered should the worst happen such as a fire or burglary could save you thousands of Rands if not hundreds of thousands of Rands in replacement costs.

Home Loan: Bond Repayment

If you already know what your bond affordability is, it’s time to find out what your monthly repayments will be.

Taking into account the repayments, interest rate and administration fees, you can get an accurate idea of just what your home loan might cost every month.

Vehicle Finance Calculator

Had your eye on a car for a while but unsure if it’s within your budget? Find out with our vehicle finance calculator.

Input the price of the vehicle, the interest rate, your deposit amount, and balloon payment, and we’ll tell you what your monthly repayments might look like.

Currency Converter

Want to make sure you’re getting the best price on a currency exchange deal?

We use a trusted source for our live exchange rates so you can quickly and accurately convert major currencies including the rand, US dollar, Australian dollar, pound, euro, and yuan.

Our trusted partners

All our insurer partners are licenced Insurers and FSP’s